Through The Eyes of an Angeleno

Angela De Felice, a seventeen year Los Angeles resident is on a mission to reveal the true Los Angeles. She  visits the Long Beach Flea and shares her experiences and shopping tips. 

Every third Sunday of the month the cool hunters of LA flock to the Long Beach Antique Market at Veterans Stadium in search of treasure. Last Sunday my mother, sister and I joined the thousands of designers, collectors and hipsters (oh, and 'regular people') in a quest for something unique. 
There is nothing I enjoy more than being overwhelmed by "stuff" everywhere I look! Why is it so fun to lug heavy bags filled with new things I don't have room for, while my feet and back ache?  
1) Everything Looks Better In Groups:
Necklaces Tupperware
Lights Sculpture
2) The Oddities:
Body parts
Dolls on Elvis-style furniture
3) Stylish People:
Cowhide backpack 


Double Mustache
Futuristic Wedgies
Modern-day Southwest Cowboy/ Cowgirl
Orange Hair
Really regretting not taking the photo of Diane Keaton in her Annie Hall Time Travel outfit... Unfortunately I only enjoy imposing on non-celebrities!
I know this post has been a long time coming but I hope some of these images provided a little inspiration for the day! I promise to do a better job balancing work/life/pilates in the future so we can keep in touch...


Read more about her experiences on her blog at InherentStyleLA