One of a Kind Shopping at The Long Beach Antique Market

Nic and Em from Thriving Wives stop by the Long Beach Flea Market.

To do some holiday shopping (and maybe get myself an early birthday present), I decided to hit up the Long Beach Antique Market.  Needless to say, I was again wowed into utter obsession with all the great merchandise

Right as I walked in I spotted this stack of old books and just died.  I needed to have them.  On a bookcase, stacked on a suitcase, cut out a rectangle in the center of the pages for some super secret storage?  I mean the possibilities are ENDLESS!


I LOVE old books!!






Cameras are plentiful at the LBAM and this one we really loved, so we had to "snap" a pic ourselves. 


Vintage cameras are always a fun find for the home, my girl Ash's TH has a SERIOUS collection!



Moving on with my obsession of books, I leaped at the chance to take home these vintage children's books.  I love to use these as gifts for my friends who are all having babies since they add such a old-timey feel to any nursery.  Plus, are you SEEING that price?!


These are a perfect addition to any nursery,  did I mention I LOVE old books?


I love license plates, especially finding ones for friends that have moved or lived somewhere besides California.  I just recently bought three for my un-biological sister's nursery.  Since she is a CA girl, I bought one for her, a Kentucky to represent her TH's background and an Arizona one for where they now reside and where their baby will be born in just a few days!!!


Only $10 and the more you buy the more a deal you get... I'm IN!

Because I have a open obsession with trunks and their amazing ability to not only provide great storage but also add a pop of awesomeness, I freaked out at all these choices!!  If only I had more room at my house I would have bought them all!


Trunk love!

I just recently became a crazy frame collector.  I totally copied the "Friends" look and used a great vintage teal frame around the peep hole of my front door.  But then, I decided I wanted to add frames to each door in my house.  My bedroom and guest room's ugly white doors now have gorgeous mint ribbon hanging a gold frame, LOVE!  I adore these in all different colors and sizes, my collection grows as I will one day have my entire dining room wall covered with empty frames and vintage clamps to hold my future children's amazing artwork.  


Frames, frames, frames!

Pyrex is always at the top of my list as I am just really starting to get into collecting the old colorful patterns to make cooking all the more bright. I loved this VERY nice lady's booth and all her options.  


Pyrex party!

This crystal glass set is the perfect addition to any 1950's wet bar.  I know they would truly compliment my set and I was tempted to pour a little drink right then and there!


Crystal of my dreams!

Just when I thought I couldn't get anymore depressed about how I couldn't buy everything I wanted (since I don't yet have a "real" home to feature all these great things) I spotted the chandelier booth.  I mean REALLY?  I am obsessed with chandeliers and cannot wait to have one in my entry way, dining room, bedroom, closet... heck EVERYWHERE!


Chandeliers too, does this place get any better?

I love all things old.  I copy my great-grandmother and Geena's style constantly, so these jars immediately took me back to my childhood and I knew they had to be MINE!


Can't you just see these filled with goodies on your kitchen counter.  Just like at grandma's!
(Nic randomly has the twin to that one on the left that was passed down from her Mama)

Not only are buttons of all shapes and sizes a good thing to have, but I also think they are so cute!  My KK has mason jars filled with buttons and I lust for them to be my own.  I also love to re-button jackets and sweaters to add some personal style, so these were a great find.  Have some throw pillows you want to cover but don't have a sewing machine?  Grab a normal sized pillow case, flip over the excess, cut a hole and sew on a vintage button.  Easy breezy and oh so cute!


Buttons, buttons come get your buttons!



When we spotted this jar we knew it was destined to find us.  I mean, NEST really, written on a freaking Mason?! YYYEESSS!!!!!!!!!!


This jar was SO meant for TW!


Just when we were getting ready to leave, everything stopped.  The crowds parted, the sun shined bright on this stunning rose petal pink mid-century refrigerator.  I instantly fell in love.  If you can't see our future Thriving Wives headquarters having this beauty in it as I grab a cool glass of green tea,  then you are nuts.  This was the most angelic appliance I had spotted... ever in my life.  I called my TH, begged, pleaded and cried for him to let me have it.  After one nano-second of silence the answer was NO.  Always has to be the dream crusher that one, or as he says the "realist".  Hummppff!


While I love the bike, this pink refrigerator nearly brought me to tears!



All in all, I could have spent all day there and completely outfitted my future home.  But, alas, we had to leave with only small purchases in tow.  At least my birthday wish list keeps growing and I can wait patiently before buying out the place.

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